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题目 基于SSM技术的物业管理系统设计与实现








          学院        专业       





通过对目前物业服务现状及业主日常需要的需求进行分析,结合当前比较主流的JAVA编程语言,本项目后台采用比较稳定的Spring + SpringMVC + MyBatis(SSM)框架编写,采用Mysql数据库来实现系统数据库的各种服务;前端使用jsp页面,使用SSM框架的项目具有更好的扩展性及安全性,本论文从物业服务发展的现在及前景进行论述,重点论述物业管理平台的总体架构设计和系统的实现过程。




关键词物业服务管理系统;Mysql;Spring;SpringMVC ;MyBatis







Today, with the popularization of the Internet, the life and learning of all people are undergoing earth shaking changes in all aspects. The most prominent change is that the speed of information transmission is faster, and the business information network is more convenient. In view of the traditional property management services, in order to serve the owners faster and better, and solve the problem that the property information is not released in time, The problem of not dealing with the problem in time, so the property service system appeared.

Based on the analysis of the current situation of property services and the needs of owners' daily needs, combined with the current mainstream Java programming language, the background of this project adopts the relatively stable framework of Spring + spring MVC + mybatis (SSM), and uses MySQL database to realize various services of the system database; The front-end uses JSP page, and the project using SSM framework has better scalability and security. This paper discusses the present and future of the property service development, focusing on the overall architecture design of the property management platform and the implementation process of the system.

This paper systematically describes the function and implementation of the whole property management system based on the design of the property management system. The front desk realizes the owner login registration, payment information inquiry, online repair and inquiry, online complaint and inquiry, online message and inquiry message, personal information view modification, and notice announcement inquiry, etc; The backstage realizes the administrator's audit and management of the owner's registration information, the release and management of the notice information, the management of the owner's payment information, the management of the repair information, the management of the complaint information, and the message processing. All kinds of functions basically cover the property service content and the needs of the owner's daily life.



Key Words:Java EEMysql Spring SpringMVC MyBatis



第1 绪  ... 1

1.1 开发背景... 1

1.2 国内外研究现状... 1

1.4 论文组织结构... 2

第2章  课题关键技术可行性研究... 3

2.2 SSM. 3

2.3 MySQL 技术介绍... 5

2.4 开发工具介绍... 6

2.5 本章小结... 6

第3章  系统需求分析... 7

3.1 目标设计要求... 7

3.2 系统功能需求分析... 7

3.3 系统用例图... 8

3.4 可行性研究分析... 10

3.4.1 技术可行性... 10

3.4.2 经济可行性... 10

3.4.3 操作可行性... 11

3.5 本章小结... 11

第4章  系统总体设计... 12

4.1 系统总体架构... 12

4.2 系统主要功能模块设计... 13

4.3 系统流程... 15

4.4 系统数据库设计... 16

4.5 本章小结... 19

第5章  系统详细设计... 20

5.1 系统开发条件... 20

5.2 系统主要功能模块设计... 20

5.2.1 登陆、注册功能... 20

5.2.2 首页功能... 20

5.2.3 个人博客主页... 21

5.2.4 发布博文... 21

5.2.5 博客管理功能... 21

5.2.6 用户个人管理、相册功能... 21

5.2.7 管理员功能... 21

5.3 数据库设计实现... 22

5.4 系统类图及交互图... 24

5.5 本章小结... 28

第6章  系统功能实现... 29

6.1 Hibernate配置数据库... 29

6.2 博客登陆功能... 32

6.3 用户注册功能... 34

6.4 博客发布及管理... 36

6.5 评论及个人信息管理... 39

6.6 个人相册功能... 42

6.7 好友功能... 48

6.8 后台管理功能... 50

6.9本章小结... 55

第7章  结论与展望... 56

7.1 结论... 56

7.2 展望... 57

致谢... 58

参考文献... 59



